ALLEGRO GRADIENT EDITOR | A Program to use colourful themes with Allegro |
SPACE FX | Planetary Animation Frame generator |
SPACE FX TUTORIAL | A Brief tutorial covering basic parts of SPACE FX |
ASTEROID (Windows) | Asteroid Finder - Windows (98...XP) version |
ASTEROID (Linux) | Asteroid Finder - Linux (Fedora) version |
TELESCOPE and MOUNTING | My 12.5 inch F5 Newtonian with a Split-Ring Mounting |
TELEScoPIC - Digital Setting Circles | Digital DSC using a PIC 16F628 microcontroller |
SAC8 CCD CAMERA | My Pictures taken with a Telephoto lens and the SAC8-II CCD Camera |
SAC8 CCD CAMERA -Page 2 | My Pictures taken with the new Telescope Mounting |
THE ORIGIN OF LIFE | Musing on the Origin of Life, the Universe and Everything... |
This is a 640x480 screen shot of the new version which will run in
truecolour modes up to 1024x768.
Requires 400Hz machine, SVGA card and at least 18M RAM.
There are more than 30 planets
to play with, and RINGS!
BETA COPY: There will be some unfinished business!
Spacefx is now FREEWARE for Alpha/Beta version testing!
Linux | Win XP/9x | File Name | Size | Stage/Build | Date and description |
X | X | | 4.8M | Build 23 | 18 July 2006: Windows program and common files. |
X | | 123k | Build 23 | 18 July 2006: Linux executable only. |
allows every man and his dog to make up realistic "outer space" type
animations using real images of planets, moons and spacecraft. This can
be used for a neat intro to your own program or for educational
Why not use it to generate a nifty image for your web page?
In order to make up an animation (a movie), you need a way of
generating the individual "frames". A 10 second movie displayed at 24
frames per second requires 240 separate images. That's a lot of work!
If only someone could come up with a program to generate those images
SPACE FX version 4.0: has the following helpful features:-
Just press the DO-ALL button to generate up to 1000 true-colour images.
can also be generated with this unusual package.
(View this image with a "cross-eye" technique)
The old versions are no longer available as I need the space
to offer version 4.0 I
recommend getting the latest version 4.0
(See above table for the files to download).
Version 1.0 is available from SIMTEL as a
original version (1.4M) (yes!) which
includes the planets out to Jupiter and its major moons as well as a
couple of sample spacecraft images I found. If you find that this link
is busy, try firing up WS_FTP,
point it at
and go to the pub/simtelnet/msdos/graphics directory.
SPACE FX Version
4.0 uses Linux (Fedora Core 5 or later) or
Windows XP/9x. It requires at least a 400MHz machine to support the
large file sizes, preferably a GHz machine to cut down on the coffee
Version 4.0 contains additional planets and moons (out to Pluto) and a few extra features that I could not squeeze into the the older versions (such as Saturn's rings and increased resolution).
To see the capability of SPACE
FX why not download a sample animation?
(182k) created with version 1.
It shows a comet and a near-Earth asteroid narrowly missing a spinning
satelite (Commsat1) in high Earth orbit as two spacecraft whiz by!
(Hey! It's dangerous up there..) Note that this is a "zipped" archive
and will need to be UNZIPPED to extract the animation (spfxdemo.fli).
On my 486, the 60 frames in the demo animation took only 6 minutes to generate! DTA compiled the FLI animation in just one minute. Imagine what a faster computer could do...
To convert the animation frames to an animated GIF, I use Paintshop Pro to reduce to 256 colours and then Animagic to put the animated Gif together. The spinning Jupiter in the top RHS of this page is an example.
To convert the animation frames to a proper animation FLIC you really need DTA (Dave's Targa Animator). It works like a treat and is cheap as well. You also need FLI player such as AAPLAY. In Windows 3.1, the Multimedia Player should also display FLI files.
Many graphics/paint programs will convert individual TGA files
to 256 colour images.
I have used Paint Shop Pro, but there are many similar programs around.
You might also look for some Ray-tracing software to generate
some nifty spacecraft of your own. I've tried both POVRay and VIVID and liked them
A good 3D modeller to try is MORAY.
You can make models of everything from spacecraft to teacups and pass
the files to POVRay to render.
Net-surfers stuck on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean
(Australia, New Zealand etc.) can use ARCHIE.AU to obtain VIVID
and DTA
SPACE FX requires
a 400MHz or better IBM-compatible at least 18 Meg RAM, 15Mb hard disk
space and an SVGA card with a minimum of 640x480 256 colour display.
Since a 320x200 true-colour file takes up 192k disk space, you will
need plenty of hard-disk real estate for your space epic!
Contact yours
For further information about my work or the items mentioned
above, please email
SPACE FX Version 1 has been accepted
on the SimtelNet archive for download. Check local mirrors under the
directory: msdos/graphics/
The next update (Version 4.0) is now here!
Who am I?
am a Professional Electrical Engineer and sometime programmer with an
interest in animation graphics, raytracing and astronomy. I do most of
my programming in C and a little asm when necessary. I have also used
Visual Basic and am currently trying out C++.
These days I make myself busy looking after my wife and three children who all have chronic asthma and other assorted medical conditions. Check out the newsgroup for discussion about this disease.
I am always on the lookout for some part-time work, having worked in the engineering field for nearly 30 years. So if you have a Power station on the blink, an Electric Locomotive that just wont go, or need someone to do a little CAD work on a home computer, give me a call!
I'm a member of the Institution
of Engineers, Australia. My last employment covered many
diverse areas of engineering such as Automated Test Equipment for PCB
analysis and Quality Management to AS/ISO/9001,9002.
I live on the beautiful Bargara Coast near Bundaberg in
sunny Queensland, Australia.
The Fine Print !
This HTML page and
all contents, text, graphics etc, (exept geocities material) is the
sole property of Anthony M. Hugo MIEAust CPeng, copyright 1997 - 2001.
Permission is hereby granted to copy this material for personal use or
educational use if the teacher isn't looking. Commercial use by
corporate entities, colourful sporting identities and all you rich
folks requires specific permission from me. So there!
This HTML page
contains images directly or indirectly derived from
NASA/JPL/Hubble/Telescope/voyager/spacecraft data suitably modified for
use in SPACE FX by the author. If you use such material in your own
creations, please credit their use in the absence of specific
Warbird.gif and xwing.gif derived from scene files at the POVRay web
site. Jupiter.gif Sunrise.jpg Spfx.jpg and ship.gif are my fault.
Copyright symbols, logos and abbreviations are owned by copyright
owners, logo designers and Abbr. Co. ppl. Whatever happens, happens.
But only sometimes!
I always wondered whether anybody ever reads the fine print at the
bottom of documents like this. My advise is to use an electron
microscope. Cheers!